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The Cross of The Order

The Cross of The Order

Our Cross

The cross of The Order was officially adopted in its first Constitution on November 5, 1891. The senior cross of The Order is a modified Greek Fleury cross inscribed in Latin "Magnanimiter Crucem Sustine," which means "With heart, mind, and spirit uphold and bear the cross." At the base of the cross are the letters "FHS" which stand for the motto of The Order "For His Sake."




The Junior cross of The Order is also a modified Greek Fleury cross the letters "FHS" inscribed across the horizontal bar. The cross was designed by the Rev. Willard Davenport, husband of Mary C. Davenport, founder of the Junior Daughters. The cross is worn by Junior members of The Order ages 7-21.





The cross members of The Order of the Daughters of the King® wear is blessed during The Service of Admission and entrusted to them so long as they remain a member. While the cross belongs to The Order, members wear it as a constant reminder of our vows. It is revered and guarded with care. It is worn as a pendant on a necklace, or as a pin on the left side of our chest and may not be altered in any way.


In order to let family and friends know what should be done with the cross upon a member's passing, the Disposition of Cross Card is used to designate if the cross is to be buried with the member or placed in the urn, attached to a suitable marker, or returned to the National Office to be used as a “pre-loved” cross.


The Cross Policy of The Order

The Cross Policy provides guidance for all members  of The Order - Senior, Junior, and International, with clear guidance on how to obtain, wear and ultimately dispose of their cross through resignation or death.


Picture of our Cross

This sheet shows pictures of the various sizes and types of Senior and Junior crosses as well as the Chaplain's cross. Please refer to the National Office Order Form for prices and shipping fees. Pre-loved sterling silver crosses in senior size large or small are available for replacement crosses only. Crosses for new members must be new.


Care of our Cross

Our crosses are quality sterling silver but tarnishing does happen over time for several reasons. The "Care of our Cross" lists some of the most common reasons, as well as helpful information on how to help prevent future tarnishing. 


Disposition of Cross Card

The Disposition of Cross Card is used by a Daughter to convey her wishes as to what should be done with The Order's cross upon her passing.


Returning a Cross

Use this form when returning a cross.

Members may return a cross for the following reasons:

1 - If you have had the cross for less than 6 months and you would like to exchange it

2 - If you are resigning from The Order

3 - If a member has passed away


The Trademarks of The Order

The name, The Order of the Daughters of the King® as well as both our senior and Junior crosses are registered trademarks of the United. The document, "The Order of the Daughters of the King® Trademark Policies and Procedures", establishes the policies and procedures that govern the use of its registered name and trademarks. This policy applies to all of The Order’s members and staff at all of its organizational levels. Further, The Order maintains a licensing program in order to establish a foundation for promoting and protecting the use of its registered trademarks. Members can read more about the trademark of The Order and access our trademark files here. Please note that you must be signed into your member profile to access the content.


Found a cross for sale?

It is the policy of The Order of the Daughters of the King® not to bid on or purchase a cross if found on any online auction site. The national office cannot reimburse any purchase of The Order’s cross in these circumstances. If members come across The Order’s cross at a yard sale, flea market, or elsewhere not online, they are strongly encouraged to convey to the seller using the statement below:

The cross that you are attempting to sell is the registered trademark property of The Order of the Daughters of the King® and can only be worn by a member. It would be legally responsible of you to return the cross to our national office immediately. The mailing address is: 101 Weatherstone Dr., Suite 870, Woodstock, GA 30188.


If you have any questions please contact the  Trademark Chair of The Order.

The Order of the Daughters of the King®
101 Weatherstone Dr. Suite 870
Woodstock, GA 30188
Phone: (770)517-8552
Fax: (770)517-8066

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